Africa's Stolen Wealth - Paradox of Plenty. Africa has been branded by many as a rich continent and by others, a continent of poverty. Africa is blessed with a massive variety and quantities of natural resources. The continent holds around 30% of the world's known mineral reserves. These include oil and natural gas reserves, uranium, diamonds and gold. One can't help but wonder, why is it that a continent with such vast potential wealth can remain so poor, precipitating a paradox of plenty. Following extensive research on this, I share with you a phenomenon I believe is the anchor linchpin reason for the poverty in Africa. (Via Risen Africa)
I love this jacket. It’s not too thick and it’s not too thin. It’s just perfect. Excellent quality abc comfort. Sending love and much success from North Carolina. We support you!
Made in Africa Varsity Jacket - Classic Black (LIMITED)
Amazing Jacket! Fits so well! Love the brand!
This Item is a standout energy! Great design and straight to the point